Alfargo's Marketplace, May 2022
There's a new vintage menswear popup in New York City. Alfargo's Marketplace, "The Menswear Garage Sale," brings together cool guys with cool clothes to sell. I wanted to write about a few of the cool men and women I met there, and encourage you to pop by too.

There's a hot new vintage menswear popup in New York City. Alfargo's Marketplace, "The Menswear Garage Sale," brings together cool guys with cool clothes to sell. Named for Stephon Carson's father, Alfargo's started with Team Cozy Boys, Shane, and a few others. Zane Gan and others snapped photos and Over time, sellers have grown to include vintage sellers like Ram's Head Vintage and LIC Vintage Clothing, and well-dressed men and women like Alex, Laura, and Nick. Oh, and Matt Hranek of WM Brown fame.
Matt and the Cozy Boys aren't the only fashion celebrities who stopped by. Photographer Scott "The Sartorialist" Schuman made an appearance, and if he's smart, he'll bring his camera to the next one.
For now, I'm going to go through my own outfit, then some more outfits, the cool people wearing them, and some fun conversations we had. I'll close with my two big purchases.

My own outfit, for the warm weather.
My own outfit, for the warm weather. I was looking for a chance to wear the Bryceland's cream rayon shirt. The shirt looks... really wrinkly here... Because I bought it used, and I got it cheap because it was super wrinkled. I steamed it, but it really needs an iron. Oh well, it still feels like rayon gabardine.
I wanted to wear black pants with brown loafers, that's a combo I've been into lately. So I went with these Eidos cotton/linen basketweave pants, Meermin horsebit loafers. The lighting in this room isn't very clear, but you'll see the pairing better in other photos.
On the left, I wore a Drake's linen chore coat with a silk scarf from SuitSupply in the front left pocket. I liked the look, but the chore coat is heavy and... actually had me sweating, so that came off fast.
Later that night, I threw on... Well, you'll see. No spoilers.

Will is wearing a Drake's jacket and shirt. The jacket is linen, and much lighter than my chore coat—we compared, Drake's heavy linen chores are something else.
Drew's pants are thrifted Valentino, $10, and they're awesome. His socks are American Trench. He's wearing pearl's, at his girlfriend's excellent suggestion. She got the idea from Harry Styles, who is not really the best pearl wearer out there, but hey, inspo can come from pop stars too.
By that second photo, they've started talking about loafers. So I had to stop shooting and join in. This brings us to another great reason to go to Alfargo's: where else are you going to have a great conversation about loafers in person?

Speaking of good conversation...
Let's start off by addrssing that dog. Yes, on a nice day, New Yorkers will bring out their dogs. So there's one more reason you should come to Alfargo's.
I didn't speak with the guy all the way on the right, but the guy hiding behind him, Eric, is not a Winklevoss, but is in fact, a genuinely cool dude who just happens to like madras jackets. He's also a menswear writer for Robb Report and Inside Hook, having written articles like... this one about Alfargo's Marketplace.
Stephon, the founder of Alfargo's, is wearing a Drake's scarf, and a great safari suit—I didn't get to ask him for the details.
And Elias... Let's talk about Elias.

Okay, so my best photos of Elias were focused on his jewelry... Still, I think they reflect his energy nicely.
Elias walked me through his rings and necklaces and bracelet, but all I can remember is that warped Cartier watch.
His polo's cool too, but Elias and I spoke about jewelry, rug, and more. He's into a little bit of everything. I've got family in rugs and jewelry, so that was a fun conversation.

Speaking of rugs, look at Z.G. Burnett's Artemis Design Co Kilim slippers! Well, they call them loafers, to distinguish from the mules, but in my mind, a loafer has a seam around the front.
She also wore a sick vintage rayon shirt and one of the incoming Alfargo's Marketplace caps. Speaking of vintage, she runs Ram's Head Vintage on Etsy. Speaking of rayon...

Alex is a fellow lawyer and longtime online menswear friend. We finally met up in person at the third Alfargo's marketplace (and went to the Drake's sample sale afterwards). He's wearing a rayon western from Wythe, and a blazer from Spier and Mackay. He sold a good amount of clothing, including an Engineered Garments suit to Nick by way of peer-pressure-driven presale.

Nick is another longtime internet friend who finally got Pinocchio'd by Alfargo's. Yes, in this analogy, reality is defined by proximity to myself, take it up with Berkeley.
His suit is a sparkly Engineered Garments number. The slippers came from Matt, not long before this photo was taken.

Luke wore this popover from Spier and Mackay (use referral code E4HPYF for 20% off!). He says that this fabric is very different from another seersucker shirting he got from Spier, but he's a fan of both.
The two-tone horsebit loafers come from Horatio. He executed this whole stache, sunglasses, shorts and loafers vibe perfectly, didn't he?

Stephen here tried on these Wythe cotton-linen chinos after I passed. I'm not sure why I didn't go for them, but they suit him well. As everybody around him insisted. Yeah, you'll get some peer pressure here.

Reggie here is living up to his cozy title, even in the heat. We ddin't get to talk as much, but I thought his outfit was worth sharing.

Matt Hranek of WM Brown Magazine! Very nice in person. He liked my Chai necklace. We spoke about our cultures, and his upcoming trip to Italy for the summer.
He said he's coming to be back for Alfargo's in the fall. And he's got plans. Big plans. Be excited.

I got this Suitsupply Wool/Silk/Linen suit from Stephon for $100. It's in great condition, and I probably could have negotiated the price down, but I was pretty happy to find it.
It's a brown on brown on brown check, but what's really cool is the gold in the weave. Not sure how visible it is in the photos, but it's a good effect in person.

Reversible Souveneir Jacket
I wasn't expecting to buy a souveneir jacket that day, or at all, but here it is. I got this reversible piece from Nick for $60, agian forgetting to haggle. He tells me that the Koi symbolizes good luck, and the cranes, long life. I'm on board with both.
The jacket looked great with my fit that day, but all I have for photos are what Zane included below.

Next Time
The next Alfargo's Marketplace is currently slated for Sunday, June 26. If you want to find good deals on vintage and modern menswear, talk about menswear, snap some photos of well-dressed men and women, and meet all the cool people I didn't get photos of this time, there's one great place to do it all. Stop by, say hi, we'll have a good time.