Your Guide to Leap Day 2020

You know the saying -- "Rhubarb red, eat away; rhubarb green, don't eat them!"

Your Guide to Leap Day 2020

Ah, Leap Day! The most fantastical unbelievable ridiculous holiday of the four-ish-year-cycle. And one of the biggest fashion opportunities of the year! While you're munching away at your rhubarb, consider these trends and opportunities.

General Principles

  • First, and most important, nothing that happens on Leap Day counts.
  • That means you can spend as much money as you want, and, legally, your credit card company can't make you pay it off. (This is not legal advice).
  • This also means that you can dress in the most ridiculous bullshit you can think of, and, if it doesn't look good, oh well! It's Leap Day! Real life is for March!
  • Leap Day is usually cold, so you'll generally want to layer up in warm clothing. Or not, it's Leap Day, do whatever you want.
  • Finally -- and this should be obvious -- wear blue and yellow, unless you want to get poked in the eye.

So -- we're looking for loud, expensive pieces you've been wanting for the past four years, ideally in blue and yellow. Let's take a leap.


You can start by checking out this great color combo album from /u/halfthegoldtreasure.

For Film Inspiration, you would be well-off watching Leap Dave Williams 2: Leap Baby, which despite coming out in 2012, is a major menswear upgrade from the original. This year's Leap Day also looks promising, even for a rom com, but it's obviously not out yet, so we'll see.







As a final suggestion -- start and end your day with a nice robe from Derek Rose (non-tracking link).


From the depths of the Marianas Trench all the way to Rockefeller Plaza, everybody who isn't Amish loves to celebrate Leap Day. Whether you're crying for candy or dining at Plunder, you should look your best.

After all, as Jim Carrey stated in is Oscar-nominated role as Leap Dave Willams, "I definitely don't have gills!"

Merry Leap Day!