sales A Selection of Sales for Black Friday 2024 This is just a quick list of good sales. There's something bigger coming soon.
bit loafers The Horsebit Loafer Buying Guide This is not a simple list of brands; in this article, I will explore why you might pick one type of horsebit loafer or another, explain each recommendation in a fair bit of depth, and explain what types of loafers to avoid.
ugly The Ugly Shoe Paradox Ugly is interesting; ugly presents a challenge to be overcome; ugly is consistent with more casual style that's less concerned being proper and clean and simple. Embrace ugly.
sales Quarantine Sales I wasn't planning on writing about sales very often, but there are a few going on right now that need to be noted.
reviews Meermin Mallorca Horsebit Loafer Review This is equal parts review and love letter. Unfortunately, you can't buy these shoes -- but you can buy other Meermins, and you should.
store visit A Visit to Leffot in New York City Leffot was just across the street, and yesterday was a beautiful day, so I popped right over for a quick look at their selection.
dress shoes A Glossary of Dress Shoe Styles—Names, Photos, and Descriptions I started writing this guide in an attempt to catch everything worth catching. I ended up running into more styles than I could really hope to capture... But hopefully, this is good enough.
dress shoes What in the Sweet Hell is a Dress Boot? The word "boot" has often times been oversimplified to refer particularly to casual boots. This oversimplification in turn feeds the misunderstanding that all boots are casual. I'm here to remind you that they aren't.
loafers How to Talk About Loafers A loafer is essentially a slip-on shoe with a moccasin-like upper (top + sides), a separate, rigid sole (leather or, in some cases, rubber), and a heel. But there's a whole lot more to it than that.