store visit A Visit to Leffot in New York City Leffot was just across the street, and yesterday was a beautiful day, so I popped right over for a quick look at their selection.
dress shoes A Glossary of Dress Shoe Styles—Names, Photos, and Descriptions I started writing this guide in an attempt to catch everything worth catching. I ended up running into more styles than I could really hope to capture... But hopefully, this is good enough.
store visit A Visit to Supply & Advise in Miami Upscale menswear shop that has a dual personality. On the first floor you'll find Americana and military-inspired collections. On the second floor, you'll be wooed by their top notch suiting collection featuring brands like Ring Jacket, Hamilton, Drake's, etc.
asymmetry Off Kilter: An Asymmetry Inspiration Album Asymmetry is largely about weirdness, to me. It's about going off-balance on purpose, on throwing away classic silhouettes and predictable patterns for something that clashes with itself, and demands a new perspective. You're going to see a lot of weird shit in this album. Enjoy.
dress shoes What in the Sweet Hell is a Dress Boot? The word "boot" has often times been oversimplified to refer particularly to casual boots. This oversimplification in turn feeds the misunderstanding that all boots are casual. I'm here to remind you that they aren't.
mtm Black Lapel Made to Measure Suit Review TL;DR -- this suit has only grown on me over time. If you don't need your suit immediately, and have had a hard time finding a good fit off the rack, Black Lapel provides an excellent value.
inspo Cool, Cozy, and Everything In Between: A Cardigan Inspo Album Cardigans are just that important.
definitions How To Talk About Suits Quick and dirty: a suit is a set of matching garments, consisting of a jacket, pants (or a skirt, or something), and optionally, a vest/waistcoat. They have to match.
loafers How to Talk About Loafers A loafer is essentially a slip-on shoe with a moccasin-like upper (top + sides), a separate, rigid sole (leather or, in some cases, rubber), and a heel. But there's a whole lot more to it than that.